A synthesis of the approach, conclusions and recommendations of TEEB /The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity / 2010 The TEEB research forms the core reference point for current thinking on the valuation of nature. This synthesis report was presented at the Convention on Biological Diversity […]
Radio clips by organisations that oppose the financialization of nature There is currently a fierce debate on whether the environment should be valued as natural capital. Critics reject the concept of natural capital saying nature has an intrinsic value which is priceless. They argue that […]
New article by Tony Juniper published on 23 April 2014: Framing natural capital: economy and ecology are not in competition Earlier article by Tony Juniper published in August 2012: We must put a price on nature if we are going to save it Environmentalist Tony Juniper has […]
New article by George Monbiot published on 22 April 2014: Can you put a price on the beauty of the natural world? Earlier article published in August 2012: Putting a price on the rivers and rain diminishes us all George Monbiot argues against valuing nature via […]
International Institute for Environment and Development / November 2013 This briefing looks at the importance of clarifying carbon rights in REDD+ projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo. With the world’s second largest tropical forest effectively controlling deforestation in the DRC will be crucial to reducing emissions […]
Is valuing nature as natural capital the way to reduce environmental degradation or a dangerous distraction that will commodify the environment? Alongside debates on if we should value natural capital is another question that is very rarely asked: who should value nature? This exclusive interview with Joan Carling is […]
Is valuing nature as natural capital the way to reduce environmental degradation or a dangerous distraction that will commodify the environment? Alongside debates on if we should value natural capital is another question that is very rarely asked: who should value nature? This exclusive interview with Davi Kopenawa […]
Is valuing nature as natural capital the way to reduce environmental degradation or a dangerous distraction that will commodify the environment? Alongside debates on if we should value natural capital is another question that is very rarely asked: who should value nature? This exclusive interview with Richard Mattison is […]
Is valuing nature as natural capital the way to reduce environmental degradation or a dangerous distraction that will commodify the environment? Alongside debates on if we should value natural capital is another question that is very rarely asked: who should value nature? This exclusive interview with Thabit Jacob is […]
Is valuing nature as natural capital the way to reduce environmental degradation or a dangerous distraction that will commodify the environment? Alongside debates on if we should value natural capital is another question that is very rarely asked: who should value nature? This exclusive interview with Teresa Pérez is […]