Resources - ecosystem services

Reports, videos and analysis on the Green Economy.

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Green Infrastructure Valuation Toolkit

Developed by a consortium of environment bodies and organisations in the United Kingdom This valuation toolkit is designed to support local authorities, local business, land developers and the community. Toolkit page They can calculate the value of Green Infrastructure to assess the benefits from: Woodland […]

Big Question: What is Nature Worth? (Uni. Minnesota)

(What is nature worth?)

University of Minnesota Institute on the Environment / November 2010 This animated video asks if we are valuing nature correctly given that the world loses 35 million hectares (area the size of Nepal) of native forest each year and 3 species of plants and animals […]

Introduction to Valuing Nature (Pavan Sukhdev)

Pavan Sukhdev / Yale lecture / November 2011 In this lecture at Yale economist Pavan Sukhdev explores in detail how nature can be valued. Business as usual is not an option because it is destroying natural capital that we all depend on. He outlines reasons […]

Valuing Nature (UNEP)

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) / 2012 UNEP argues that nature is not taken into account by policy makers and the private sector. The way to change this is to acknowledge that economic activity and human well-being depend on nature for ecosystem services such as […]

Beyond Rio’s Disappointment, Finding a Path to the Future (Fred Pearce)

Fred Pearce / Yale Environment 360 / June 2012 Twenty years after the historic Earth Summit Fred Pearce says the outcome of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, known as Rio+20, was a weak decision text with few commitments. Overall there was a lack of political […]

Putting a price on the real value of nature (Pavan Sukdev)

Interview with Pavan Sukdev / Yale Environment 360 / January 2012 Economist Pavan Sukdev led the international study into the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB). In this interview he argues nature’s importance is currently invisible and that it’s time to value it. Instead of continuing with […]

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