Resources - fossil fuels

Reports, videos and analysis on the Green Economy.

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Sustainable Energy For All (SE4ALL)

A global Action Agenda / Sustainable Energy For All / April 2012 The aim of the SE4ALL initiative is to promote the major investment needed for renewable energy to be scaled up across the world. This report argues sustainable development is only possible with sustainable […]

Old Story, New Threat: Fracking and the Global Land Grab (TNI)

Transnational Institute / January 2013 TNI examines the increasing global importance of fracking arguing it has negative environmental impacts and is a dangerous distraction from producing renewable energy. What is fracking? See infographic for the basics It is being promoted as a means to secure […]

Interactive: global energy sources (Nature)

Nature / November 2012 This interactive guide allows the user to select countries and regions to see energy sources used in 2011. The guide is based on the BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2012. Interactive guide   See also: Graphic on coal consumption in […]

The world’s carbon trading schemes mapped (RTCC)

Responding to Climate Change / January 2013 The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme is the reference point for future schemes that could begin in China (the world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gases), India and the Republic of Korea.   Recently launched carbon trading schemes that […]

It’s time for a carbon tax (Elizabeth Kolbert)

Elizabeth Kolbert / New Yorker: Comment / December 2012 Kolbert argues the United States should implement a tax on carbon as a way of generating revenue to cover the deficit and to deal with climate change. She explains the idea of a Pigovian tax is […]

Golden Rules for a Golden Age of Gas (IEA)

International Energy Agency / May 2012 The IEA believes there is great potential to exploit the world’s unconventional natural gas but for this to happen companies and governments must overcome public opposition by adequately addressing environmental and social concerns. Read report What is fracking? See […]

Shale Gas to the Climate Rescue (Alan Riley)

Alan Riley / Op-Ed for the New York Times / August 2012 In this Op-Ed Alan Riley (Professor of Energy Law, City University London) argues unconventional Shale Gas – extracted through a process known as fracking – could be the answer for the rapid reduction […]

Methane leaks erode green credentials of natural gas (Nature)

Jeff Tollefson / Nature / January 2013 Studies of the amount of methane released from a gas field near Denver (Colorado) in the United States has sparked debate about the benefits of shifting from coal to gas-fired power plants to generate electricity. Methane is over […]

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