World Development Movement / May 2012 WDM say there is no agreement on what the green economy is but they see it as a re-engineering of the global economy to respect environmental limits, prioritise social goals and end the obsession with limitless growth. Food and […]
Eva Zabey / TED talks / February 2012 Eva Zabey of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development puts forward the case for valuing nature through the concept of ecosystem services as a way to put the economy on a more sustainable path. She […]
World Energy Outlook 2012 / International Energy Agency / November 2012 In this annual report the International Energy Agency says fossil fuels are still the main source of energy with subsidies increasing to US$523 billion (mainly in the Middle East and North Africa). The report […]
Developed by a consortium of environment bodies and organisations in the United Kingdom This valuation toolkit is designed to support local authorities, local business, land developers and the community. Toolkit page They can calculate the value of Green Infrastructure to assess the benefits from: Woodland […]
Pablo Solón / June 2012 Pablo Solón (former Bolivian Ambassador to the United Nations) says the current economic system has historically treated nature as a thing to be exploited and to make profit out of and this has led to the current ecological crisis. Instead […]
University of Minnesota Institute on the Environment / November 2010 This animated video asks if we are valuing nature correctly given that the world loses 35 million hectares (area the size of Nepal) of native forest each year and 3 species of plants and animals […]
Tim Jackson / The Guardian / January 2013 Tim Jackson (Professor of Sustainable Development at the University of Surrey, UK) explains how since the 2008 global financial crisis the objective of growth as the means to achieve prosperity has come under scrutiny. He argues the […]
Pavan Sukhdev / Yale lecture / November 2011 In this lecture at Yale economist Pavan Sukhdev explores in detail how nature can be valued. Business as usual is not an option because it is destroying natural capital that we all depend on. He outlines reasons […]
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) / 2012 UNEP argues that nature is not taken into account by policy makers and the private sector. The way to change this is to acknowledge that economic activity and human well-being depend on nature for ecosystem services such as […]
Achim Steiner / United Nations Environment Programme Executive Director and Under-Secretary General of the United Nations Steiner argues for a change in economic paradigm towards a green economy. He says we cannot continue with the existing economic model because the world is running out of resources. It’s time […]