Big Question: What is Nature Worth? (Uni. Minnesota)

University of Minnesota Institute on the Environment / November 2010

This animated video asks if we are valuing nature correctly given that the world loses 35 million hectares (area the size of Nepal) of native forest each year and 3 species of plants and animals are lost each hour.

In addition the world has already lost 1/5 of its coral reefs, 1/3 of its mangroves and 1/2 its wetlands.

The video makes the point that currently there is a value on products derived from nature but not on its services that are essential for our well-being  These include wetlands purifying water and mangroves protecting coasts from storms.

Three steps can be taken to recognise nature’s true value that will impact on decision-making.

1)      Consider the services nature provides

2)      Calculate the economic benefits of those services

3)      Create a plan that protects those services based on their true value

More information about the Natural Capital Project


This summary was prepared by Why Green Economy?. The views expressed have been paraphrased. See the original source for more information.

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