Tag Archives: fossil fuels

The Polluter Elite Database

Dario Kenner, June 2019 We are currently at a moment of extreme and rising inequality in many countries around the world. Rarely are the links made between the extremely wealthy and the personal liability these individuals have in contributing to potentially irreversible climate change and […]

What happens after we divest from fossil fuels?

Fossil fuel divestment campaigns are gathering momentum. What if investors were convinced to divest? In the long-term they will probably shift their investments to renewable energy but we cannot rely on the assumption that divesting from fossil fuels will automatically reduce global emissions fast enough to tackle climate change. This is because investors may switch to carbon intensive non-energy investments and might not choose the cleanest forms of renewable energy.

The politics of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

What were the key debates at the heart of the process to agree on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? Central areas of contention included how to interpret the universal nature of the SDGs and who will fund their implementation.

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