Problems with REDD and payments for environment services in Acre, Brazil (REDD Monitor)

REDD Monitor / November 2012

This REDD Monitor article looks at work on REDD type projects in the state of Acre (western Brazil) began in 2007. Acre is also the location of the 2010 law that created a State System of Incentives for Environmental Services.

There are critical voices who say these offsetting projects threaten forest people’s control over their territories and mean they can no longer live from the land.

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(No REDD in Acre)Summary of report: How REDD and Environmental Services Threaten the Lives of Forest People in Acre

The central issue is the unequal distribution of land and the fact that indigenous peoples and local communities are still waiting for land titles. These is also a lack of education and health provision for these communities.

The authors argue REDD and environmental services programmes do not address these needs and that what is needed is for the local authorities to end their preferential treatment for large landowners.

They say REDD projects threaten communities’ food security and food sovereignty because they will no longer be able live from the land and will be forced to migrate. This will also lead to a loss of traditional knowledge.

The main concerns of forest peoples are:

  • Being prohibited from accessing and managing their territories
  • Not participating in decision-making which has been top-down. For example the way in which Law 2.308/10 State System of Incentives for Environmental Services (SISA) was established.
  • That consultations do not include all stakeholders


This summary was prepared by Why Green Economy?. The views expressed have been paraphrased. See the original source for more information.

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