
Reports, videos and analysis on the Green Economy.

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Ecological footprint of the richest: Methodology

Introduction This methodology is part of the research on the inequality of overconsumption which attempts to quantify the full ecological footprint of the richest people in different countries around the world. Read a summary of the working paper published by the Global Sustainability Institute, Anglia Ruskin University (read […]

Who will control the Green Economy? (ETC)

ETC Group / November 2011 This report argues the “green economy” and the “great green technological transformation” will mean a shift where industrial production is based on biomass instead of fossil fuels. According to ETC Group biomass includes food and fibre crops, grasses, forest residues, […]

Green Economy – The time to act is now (UNEP)

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) / November 2011 Ahead of the UN conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) held in 2012 representatives from UNEP, academics and business leaders talk about the urgency of a transition to a green economy. Achim Steiner (United Nations Environment Programme Executive […]

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