Declaration of the People’s Summit at Rio+20

Civil Society People’s Summit / Rio de Janeiro / June 2012

People's Summit at Rio+20Final Declaration of the People’s Summit at Rio+20 for Social and Environmental Justice in Defense of the Commons, against the Commodification of Life.


Key paragraphs of the civil society statement include:

Social and popular movements, unions, peoples and organizations of civil society from all over the world who were present at the Peoples Summit at Rio+20 for Social and Environmental Justice experienced in the encampments, in the mass mobilizations and discussions, the construction of convergences and alternatives, conscious that we are subjects of another relationship between human beings and between humanity and nature, assuming the urgent challenge of putting a brake on the new phase of capitalism’s recomposition and of building through our struggles new paradigms for society.

The so-called “green economy” is just another facet of the current financial phase of capitalism, which also makes use of old and new mechanisms, such as the deepening of the public-private debt, the hyperstimulation of consumption, the concentration of ownership of new technologies, carbon and biodiversity markets, land grabbing, increased foreign ownership of land, and public-private partnerships, among others.”

Read Declaration

Watch video: ‘People’s Summit’ opens in Rio (AFP)


This summary was prepared by Why Green Economy?. See the original sources for more information.

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